A FOUNDATIONAL course TO guide you towards loving all the parts & becoming whole

Your Inner Child holds the key to unlocking your fullest potential.

The truth is: you are already Whole. But childhood hurts cause us to fragment in order to stay safe. Each of us came into our childhood experience to work with certain lessons or “Core Material.” These are the deepest themes that we work with lifelong. But oftentimes, doing this work can feel heavy, confusing, or abstract.

You did not come here to suffer or be confused or resigned.

A core aspect of my work is to support folks to go deeper in their healing than they thought possible. 

By reconnecting with our Inner Child and the other parts of our Inner Family, we can learn to successfully move through our healing work, to cultivate self-compassion, and to fall in love with the process of evolving.

This Tool Kit is designed to create an exquisite foundation to orient you in your healing.

My deepest wish is for you to trust and fall madly in love with your healing work, and with life itself. 

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  • The basics of Inner Child work

  • How to meet your Inner Family (your Child, Teen, Loving Parent and Critical Parent)

  • The Spiral Mapping Method - my creative healing approach designed to orient you around—and help you master—your core healing themes in this lifetime

  • Practical skills to create real traction in your healing work

  • To cultivate abiding self-compassion

  • That what you thought was simply your personality (“I'm depressed, stupid, lazy, sad”) are actually younger parts that need to be relieved of their burden.

  • How to challenge limiting beliefs by unpacking your Core Material (the childhood imprints that impacted you the most deeply).

  • How to pivot from viewing pain and depression as pathology to approaching pain as a teacher.

  • How to cultivate your depth so that you can anchor into the ecstasy of your essence or true nature - an indestructible resource that is the ground of your being.


8 TEACHING videos (2 hours) on Inner Child work + Spiral Mapping™

7 potent handouts with journal prompts and exercises

5 audio meditations 

A new Spiral Mapping™ WORKBOOK for Inner Child work designed to accompany and orient you around your healing themes

6 month access to the course to work at your own pace and integrate these tools and teachings


  • This Tool Kit is designed to be gentle and meet you exactly where you are. Healing work is layered and spiralic, so we encourage you to take whatever lands with you in this exact moment on your healing journey and leave the rest. You can revisit the material for 6 months after your date of purchase and dive deeper, if you choose.

    That said, if you anticipate needing a high level of personal support and you do not have an outside support group/therapist/coach/healer to accompany you, we do not recommend this course.

  • You may be familiar with the terms and concepts in the Tool Kit, but healing work is layered and spiralic.

    You may be able to deepen your understanding of your inner family and unlock something new from Astrid’s unique perspective on Inner Child Work. This Tool Kit is also designed to be like a warm and gentle hug, distinct from the demands of other forms of personal development.

  • This is not a live course. The materials are pre-recorded and live in the MEMBERSHIP ACCOUNT space of There are no live calls associated with this Tool Kit.

  • For any additional questions, please email