The bulk of the traction of healing work lies in skillfully navigating our Shadow: recognizing our triggers, cultivating curiosity and self-compassion, and creating an invitation for our disowned parts to return home to us. 

If we don’t have this skill set, we simply continue to re-activate the wound without creating much traction for healing and integration. And these skills aren’t mastered by touching in once or twice; rather, they’re practices that we get to hone over and over as life’s challenges arise.

For this reason, I crafted Inner Child Immersion to offer you a powerful framework to orient yourself around your Core Material, and build consistent practices to meaningfully connect with your Inner Family.

Over the course of 12 weeks, through meditation and journaling, you’ll apply my Spiral Mapping™️ framework—which is designed to support you through any period of contraction—to your Inner Child work in order to establish a consistent connection and bring deeper reverence and self-compassion to the healing journey.

This course is designed to show you how to build the muscles around this work and establish a self-practice that you can take with you.



  • Have been “doing the work” for a years but still struggle with true abiding self-compassion and that critical Voice

  • Are newer to Inner Child work or are looking to deepen their understanding of this work

  • Know they have an Inner Child that they connect with sporadically, but find it hard to consistently commit

  • Are in recovery and/or in ACA

  • Want accountability and a gentle container in which to be held

  • Are parents who are healing their wounds while raising their own children

  • Want to learn how to love themselves and their healing journey

  • Want to open to their largeness and to live with more lightness, play and joy.


  • Anticipate needing a high level of individual support in working through this material

  • Do not have an outside therapist, coach, or support group who will be able to help them work through any activated parts that arise

You are not broken so nothing needs to be fixed. This Immersion is allllll about laying down your armor, wrapping yourself up in self-compassion, and falling in love with your process.

Through weekly teachings, guided meditations, AND journal prompts, we’ll cover…

  • Week 1 | Introduction & Reflections on Healing

  • Week 2 | Building Capacity - Contacting the Adult 

  • Week 3 | Inner Loving Parent

  • Week 4 | Feeling to Heal 

  • Week 5 | Inner Child

  • Week 6 | Spiral Mapping

  • Week 7 | Inner Teen

  • Week 8 | Critical Parent

  • Week 9 | Child, Adult, Divine Consciousness

  • Week 10 | Curiosity & Gentleness

  • Week 11 | Metaphysics of Healing - The Past is Now

  • Week 12 | Integration - From Fear to Trust

Included in the Immersion is…

  • A weekly PDF with orienting material, prompts, and space for journaling

  • A weekly 75-minute live class via Zoom Webinar, with teachings from me, a guided thematic meditation, time for journaling and Q&A

  • Recordings of the teachings and meditations available for replay for 3 months after the Immersion ends for you to revisit as needed


    Weekly live classes on Tuesdays from 5:15pm - 6:30pm ET.

    Starting on March 15, 2022, Ending on June 14, 2022

    *Classes will be recorded and available for replay, for those unavailable to join live.

  • Structure

    The Immersion is conducted via live classes via Zoom Webinar. Classes are recorded and available for replay. These are not group or individual therapy sessions, but rather educational transmissions with guided meditations, time for individual journaling, and a chance to ask questions via Chat.

    Participants also receive access to a private Membership Account on, where weekly PDFs are posted for download.

  • Questions

    For questions, please email


After March 15, 2022, all sales are final and non-refundable. Before proceeding to checkout, please read through the Membership & Cancellation Policy, Privacy Policy and Liability Policy by clicking the hyperlinks.